Surface WMS for GFL Mine
- Name: Surface WMS for GFL Mine
- Client: GFL
- Contract value: Classified
- Contract Type: EPC
- Sector: Oil & Gas
- Timeline: Jun – 2005 – Aug – 2012
- Location: Timmins, ON
At 2,600 metres above sea level, it is located. Since 2005, Falex has supported the study and design for the closure of the tailings and waste rock facilities at the Creek Mine, an open-pit copper, gold, and molybdenum deposit that was mined between 2005 and 2012.
For our client during this period, we have rendered the following services:
Engineering of the cover system, engineering design of containment and discharge systems for rainfall-runoff, water balances, hydrology evaluations, and hydrogeochemical evaluations. The planning, development, and hydrogeological modeling of waste rock and tailings cover cells at pilot size.
The facility is now in the midst of implementing its shutdown plan while on standby. Our team is working on the mine closure plan for the waste rock facilities in the creek mine area, including the comprehensive design for the surface water management system and hydrogeological 1D and 2D modeling.
Based on recent data collected from the pilot cells to validate and/or improve cover depths, this was determined. The team is creating an analysis of alternatives to carry out thorough engineering of the designated water management works in the future because the creek mine2 area has not previously been researched.
We will give GFL the comprehensive design for the works necessary to catch, canalize, and properly dispose of the runoff from basins contributing to the waste rock regions based on these investigations. The projects will also deal with containing and drying off any seepage from waste rock facilities. By doing this, we help GFL Shareholders reduce the risks and obligations related to the abandoned GFL mine.