Improving Project Delivery

Falex project teams leverage the latest technologies in Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Virtual Design Construction (VDC) models.

BIM and VDC models are collaborative environments where our teams coordinate the design, promote informed estimates and schedules, detect potential interferences, track progress, and perform material analysis, as well as turnover and commissioning of our projects.

Our teams of BIM / VDC Specialists accurately identify project needs and constraints well before the start of construction. This result in safer operations, faster installation of various systems, subsystems and components, ultimately controlling costs, and saving time.

We use Navisworks to coordinate all the discipline models to facilitate clash detection and optimize construction schedule sequencing. With consultants developing a model to no less than a Level of Development (LOD) of 300, our team then develops the model further to a LOD of 400 or 500 for constructability. We then regularly review the design using the BIM/VDC model to identify and resolve any issues prior to them arising during actual construction.

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