Feed Studies
When you need to replace an existing pipeline or route a new line, good information and decisions early on translate into big bottom line savings and streamline project timelines. Our low-cost pipeline Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study services quickly deliver the information you need to make confident routing decisions and compare all of your pipeline routing options, so you make all the right turns.
New regulations, developments, roadways, etc. are cropping up all the time, which can throw design changes into even seemingly simple pipeline replacements. Avoid the headaches, project delays, and design rework with a FEED study.
Front end engineering design (FEED) study services can include:
- Route analysis, with suggested route options
- Recommendations of HDD or conventional bore and jack to avoid construction obstacles
- Identify environmental impacts via online databases, such as PNDI in Pennsylvania
- Identification of stream crossings
- Local and state road crossings
- Rail crossing summary
- List of likely state and municipal permits that will be required
- Windshield review or route walk for added insight and photos
- Proposed project schedule and estimated construction cost as requested
- Delivery of a Google Earth .kmz file and/or a written narrative with photos and attachments